Tickets / Donations

If you have a Paypal account and want to pre-buy your tickets at the price of £5 ahead, you can use the “Send money to a friend” option, the email address to send your payment to is:

Make sure to give your name and the numbers of tickets you wish to buy! You can also leave us a comment on the blog letting us know you have just done that!

If you can’t join us on the 4th of July but still want to support us, you can send us a donation by using Paypal “Send money to a friend option” using the same email address above.

Thank you for your help!

Stay Shiny!

Published on April 27, 2009 at 8:21 pm  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. One generous donor send us £20 and the following message:

    “I hope it goes well and that you raise lots of money! Hope this helps!”

    Thank you!
    You know who you are!
    You know how much I appreciate this!

  2. Another donation rolled in! Here is the message that came with it: “Best of luck running it this year, hope you have a great time and raise a good amount… all the best, Charlie.”
    Thank you Charlie!
    Greatly appreciated!

  3. Thank you to Paul T. who just sent us a very nice donation with the following message!
    “Hope the event went well. Sorry, I wasn’t able to attend.”
    We are sorry you could not make it either but THANK YOU for taking the time to visit the website and send us such a generous donation!
    Stay shiny!

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